A spiritual morning routine is the greatest way to greet the day and to be intentional about how we’re going to make the best of it.
Starting the day with spiritual morning rituals allows me to have a sacred connection with my truest self and the universe.
It makes me feel centered and loved and honestly sets the tone for the day.
The internet is full of “morning routine” inspiration. I have tried many, yet nothing worked until I created my very own routine.
It took me a while to find the right mix of morning rituals and it hasn’t always been easy to stick to, but it has benefited me in so many ways.
In this post, I’ll share with you my sacred spiritual morning routine, ideas, and tips to help you create your version.
Spiritual Morning Routine
1. Spiritual Morning Routine Ideas
2. My Spiritual Morning Routine
3. What is A Spiritual Morning Routine
4. Benefits of A Spiritual Morning Routine
5. Tips To Create A Holistic Spiritual Morning Routine
6. Embrace Slow, Realistic Morning Routines
15 Spiritual Morning Routine Ideas

1. Rise Early
A great way to start your spiritual morning routine is to wake up early.
The ancient science of Ayurveda recommends rising before sunrise (between 4 to 6 a.m.) to stay in sync with the circadian rhythms of nature.
Early mornings are so peaceful and personal. You can take that time to be present with yourself, and get through your routine with intention.
If you aren’t quite ready to rise before the sun, wake up early enough to enjoy your morning rituals at a calm pace.
I’d recommend waking up at least an hour before your day really starts.
When you wake up, don’t jump out of bed.
Take a few minutes to really come to life; take a few deep breaths, wriggle your toes, stretch your body, slowly sit up, and slip out of bed.
2. Drink Water
The first thing anyone should do right after waking up, even before you brush your teeth, is to drink a tall glass of water.
We humans are made up of 60% water and water is essential for our survival. Not drinking enough water can lead to complications such as fatigue, moodiness, headaches, and the risk of strokes.
Drinking water first thing in the morning allows your body to rehydrate and flush out any toxins. It also eases digestion and gets your metabolism going.

3. Face Massage
Now, this makes part of my self care morning routine, and self-care is spiritual. Taking a few minutes to gently massage your face is a fantastic way to wake your body up.
It brings softness into your day while reaping the anti-aging benefits of facial massages.
Facial massages are meant to improve blood circulation, release any tension and drain the lymphatic system.
I like to use a tool like the Gua Sha, a smooth stone usually a crystal, that is moved across your moisturized skin.
4. Breathwork
If you’re looking for a great alternative to caffeine to feel energized in the mornings, give breathwork a go.
Breathwork refers to various breathing techniques that are said to improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
There are many types of breathing exercises, some to make you feel calm and relaxed, while others can be stimulating and invigorating.
However, all these techniques emphasize conscious, controlled, deep breathing.
Generally, 5 to 10 minutes of breathwork in the morning is recommended. It is also a fulfilling practice to pair with meditation as it helps with focusing your attention inward.
All in all, breathwork is just the practice you need for your mindful morning routine.

5. Meditate
An age-old spiritual practice, meditation is widely exercised across the globe by many cultures and faiths.
There are many types of meditation including breath-based meditation, mindfulness meditation, concentrative meditation, and guided meditation.
I personally feel having a meditation practice allows one to create a heightened state of awareness and to observe their thoughts and emotions from a distance.
Although not everyone’s cup of tea, meditation has a large host of benefits if practiced consistently.
It is a proven method to reduce stress, manage mental health disorders like anxiety and depression, and regulate mood.
If meditation is new to you, I recommend starting with short, guided meditations to get you started.
You can use a guided meditation app like Headspace or follow a podcast, my favorite is Purely Being, you can find it on Spotify.
6. Journal
By having a morning journaling routine, your morning begins with reflection and inspires positivity throughout the day.
There are many benefits to journaling at the start of the day. It allows you to have a clear mind, process emotions, and set intentions for the day ahead.
It is also a great method to cultivate gratitude by reminding yourself of the things you are grateful for daily.
I am an avid morning journaler and have found that these morning journal prompts are great if you’re looking to start journaling daily.

7. Move Your Body
As suggested in the miracle morning routine by Hal Elrod in his book The Miracle Morning, getting in some exercise every morning will make you feel more productive throughout the day.
Exercising each morning reduces fatigue, boosts energy levels, and increases your metabolism.
There are so many ways to move your body and there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to it.
I enjoy a variety of activities such as going on jogs, strength training, yoga, and sometimes just a good stretch. It depends on what my body needs and how I feel.
Mix things up and find simple, exciting ways to move your body, you don’t need to sign up with a gym or get any equipment. It honestly can be as simple as taking a walk.
8. Spend Time In The Sun
Regular exposure to sunshine helps with the release of a happy hormone called serotonin. When your serotonin production is at normal levels, you are more focused and emotionally stable.
An hour of natural morning light also helps you sleep better by regulating your circadian rhythm and melatonin levels. The more sunlight you’re exposed to the better, so go for a short walk, or sit by the window that has sunshine pouring in.

9. Earthing In Nature
Whenever possible, attempt to spend a portion of your spiritual morning routine outdoors in nature. There is just something about breathing in the fresh air and being one with nature before the rest of the world rises.
If you’re up for it, spend some time physically connecting with the Earth’s natural electric charge, this is known as earthing or grounding. Tend to your plants, stand barefoot on the grass, or take a walk in a nearby park or forest.
Living in large cities with little contact with the natural world, it is easy to forget that we too are largely a part of the rest of nature.
When you make it a daily practice to connect with mother earth, you realign your electrical energy and bring balance to your physiology.
10. Read A Few Pages From A Book
A morning self care practice that I revere and would recommend for personal growth and inner reflection is reading.
Starting your day with a few pages from your favorite book, from self-help material or even sacred texts, is a great way to uplift your mood and inspire you.
You can of course read for as long as you like, but I like to read just 5 to 10 pages daily. As this usually takes only 5 minutes, it is a great way to make reading a consistent habit.
Here are some of my favorite spiritual-themed books to usher the day with.

11. Intuitive Breakfast
Nourishing our bodies is an important spiritual practice that we often overlook.
Think of the last time you consciously prepared a meal, paying close attention to each ingredient, its presentation, it’s flavors. When was the last time you ate without scrolling on your phone or watching the tv?
Here are a few ways you can mix things up and make breakfast a magical morning ritual that you look forward to.
- Put thought into each process behind creating and eating the perfect breakfast
- Set an intention for your meal and choose the ingredients accordingly
- Eat a breakfast that your body needs and craves, if you feel like having pancakes listen to that voice in your head!
- Say a prayer before your meal and give thanks to all parties involved in bringing this food to you
12. Gratitude Prayer
You may equate some of the practices already listed here as a form of prayer or you may have a more specific way of praying.
Having a prayer ritual will greatly enhance your morning spiritual routine. It is a powerful way to acknowledge and connect with god and the universe.
Prayer can take many forms, you may want to give thanks for the life you have, or express yourself and speak freely to a trusted source.
Prayer is a deeply personal practice, you can choose to do it however you like. I personally like to write down a prayer when I do my morning journaling.

13. Get Creative
Tapping into your creativity is a unique opportunity to tune out from the business of everyday life and tune in to your inner spirituality.
Creating something from your imagination allows you to be present with yourself and do something for yourself freely without the pressure of needing it to be perfect.
Channeling your inner creativity can be as simple as making art, writing a poem, dancing, or singing as you wish.
Doing these activities can also put you into a state of flow. A condition of focused productivity that will overflow into the rest of your day.
Being creative for the purpose of joy and self-expression is a relaxing way to connect with your higher, limitless self.
14. Tidy Your Space
According to Shin Buddhism, cleaning is a sacred, spiritual ritual. The tidier the environment, the easier it is to go inward and grow spiritually.
Tidying up your home or workspace in the mornings is a great way to set the tone for the day. It’ll help you feel calmer, more organized, and more focused to take on the day.
Adding this to your morning routine checklist can prevent you from accumulating mess and stressing yourself out. This is especially helpful if you have kids in the house.
Tidying up in the morning does not have to be an elaborate affair. I simply make my bed, let the sunshine in, put away any toys lying around, and tidy up my workspace.
Once you’ve tidied up, light some incense or Palo Santo to get rid of any negative or stagnant energy in your home.
15. Have A Shower or Bath Ritual
Did you know that water is used ceremonially as a healing and cleansing element in spiritual practices?
Creating a sacred relationship with water gives it the power to cleanse and rejuvenate you.
A good bath is a great addition to a holistic morning routine as it cleanses the body, mind, and auric field.
The purpose of having a shower or bath ‘ritual’ is to be mindful of your shower, without rushing through it.
Take your time and feel every drop of water on your body, be present as the water washes past you.
If you’d like, you can do the following to make your bath get you excited about the day ahead:
- set an intention for your shower
- add bath salts or essential oil to your bath
- read out affirmations as you have your shower
- light candles if it’s still dark outside
My Spiritual Morning Routine
Here is my spiritual morning routine that has changed the way I start my days for the better. Feel free to adopt my routine if you find it resonates with you.
However, please note that this is what works for me and you may need to make some changes for it to fit into your mornings.
Here is my simple 6-step spiritual morning self care routine:
1. Wake Up At 6 AM
I set my alarm for 5.50 a.m. and usually take 5 to 10 minutes to stretch my body and slowly slip out of bed.
2. Drink Water & a Face Massage
Before I do anything, I always have a glass of water that I leave on my bedside table, brush my teeth and do my skincare.
One of my favorite ways to wake myself up is to give myself a simple 1 to 2-minute face massage with my moisturizer.
3. Meditation & Journaling
I then do a simple 5-minute meditation followed by a 10 to 15-minute journaling practice.
Download my morning journaling routine template by signing up for my newsletter below!
4. Coffee & Breakfast
I cannot start my day without a good cup of coffee and a scrumptious, nutritious breakfast.
My go-to is usually an oatmeal bowl with fruits or toast with eggs and a salad.
5. Movement
Next, I do some form of movement. My top favorite exercises are strength training, circuit training, or simply just brisk-walking. I go to a gym that is less than a 5-minute walk from me so that I don’t waste time commuting.
I like to limit my workouts to 30 minutes, as I notice that I do them more consistently when I do shorter workouts.
6. Shower
I then end my spiritual morning routine with a lovely, slow shower.
Here I do my skincare, get dressed in something cute, do skin care, and put on some basic makeup and I’m ready to take on the day!

What is A Spiritual Morning Routine
A spiritual morning routine is rooted in intentionality, peace, and a sense of connectedness. It allows you to be calm, grounded, and hopeful as you take on the challenges of a new day.
I find that a spiritual morning routine makes a world of a difference for many reasons. It empowers you to deeply connect with yourself. And it creates space for you to process and regulate your emotions healthily.
Starting your day spiritually allows you to set intentions that govern your actions and reactions throughout the day. You will see challenges as part of the bigger plan and learn to appreciate the flow of life.
A spiritual morning routine also encourages you to be present with yourself and mindful of all that you do, which is a great act of self-love.
Practicing spiritual rituals at any point in the day is life-changing.
However, integrating spirituality into your mornings when you are most rested and have mental clarity will make these practices and the learnings that come along with them all the more meaningful.

Benefits of A Spiritual Morning Routine
Starting your days with a spiritual morning routine has so many great benefits. Here are a few that I thought you should know about.
Life Is More Meaningful
Without a solid spiritual practice that forces us to look inward, we end up living lives on autopilot.
Having a peaceful morning routine gives you the opportunity to understand yourself. It encourages you to become aware of and observe your emotions, question beliefs, and align with values that you resonate with.
Improved Mental Well-being
Spirituality is known to strengthen psychological well-being.
Research has shown that spirituality can help individuals deal with and reduce stress which influences their overall health.
A spiritual morning routine creates time for reflection and dealing with tough emotions, reducing mental turmoil.
Better Physical Health
Spiritual individuals are said to also have better physical health.
This may be attributed to the fact that they have healthier habits and know how to manage stress better.
Some positive health side effects of practicing spirituality include stronger immune health, longevity, and a lower risk of mental health disorders.

Create A Spiritual Morning Routine
Create Space For A Spiritual Morning Routine
To have a fulfilling and consistent spiritual morning ritual, you must make space for it.
Rise earlier than usual so that you have the entire morning to yourself.
This is especially important if you are a parent. You need to try and wake up at least an hour before your children do.
I wake up about an hour and a half before my daughter does, at 6 am.
Love Your Body
Your body is a sacred vessel, it is the embodiment of all your human experiences, and it is who you are.
Providing our bodies with the utmost love, care, and respect is an important aspect of spirituality.
Prioritise showing some love to your body each morning with a scrumptious and nutritious breakfast or by stretching and moving your body.
I like to start my mornings with a tall glass of warm water, and my preferred choice of movement followed by a big breakfast by 8 am.
Calm The Mind
Starting your morning with a calm and focused mind will allow you to have a productive day without feeling mentally drained.
Spiritual practices like meditation, breathwork, and journaling help you declutter your thoughts, silence your mind, and provide clarity. These practices also help with sleep and managing emotions.
I like to do a quick 5-minute meditation right before my morning journaling routine, that’s usually more elaborate and can take me up to 30 minutes.
Feel Your Emotions
Learning how to process emotions and self-regulate emotionally is an essential part of living well.
Many spiritual practices and religions like Buddhism emphasize emotional regulation.
It all starts with becoming more aware of our emotions and recognizing and knowing when we are feeling a certain way and observing it.
Practices of free journaling and mindful meditation can help you learn about your emotional self.
Other spiritual practices like bodily movement and long showers release feel-good hormones that can help you self-regulate after you’ve processed heavy emotions.
If you’re having a rough time or simply want to get to know your emotional self better, spend a part of your morning reflecting on your emotions.
As I’ve mentioned above, I love to journal my thoughts each morning, and I spend a big fraction of my journaling on my emotional well-being.
Check out my article on morning journal prompts to find the prompts I use each day.
Connect With God or Source Energy
I believe most spiritual ‘rituals’ or practices work like a portal to the divine, universal energy.
Certain practices make us feel closer to mother earth and her immense love for all of god’s creations. While others make us feel like we have this special relationship with God or this universal energy.
The paths that each of us takes to grow spiritually are personal and will vary, but all ways lead back to making us feel whole and connected.
Be sure to choose practices that inspire you to connect with your higher self and God.
Embrace A Slow, Realistic Morning Routine
I’d just like to remind you that the purpose of a spiritual morning routine is for you to slow down, be present with yourself, and have a pleasant morning.
It’s all about radical self-care, managing stress levels, getting to know your inner world, and encouraging healthier habits.
Saying all of that, not all of us have the luxury of truly indulging in our mornings.
Even if all you manage to do is one spiritual thing for yourself, that is enough for you to have a great start to the day.
It may also be hard for you to have a spiritual morning each day of the week. You may have kids or other responsibilities that may get in the way.
If that is the case, just start by dedicating one morning a week to a spiritual morning routine.

Ultimately, your spiritual morning routine will determine how you choose to start each day. As you start each day with intention, gratitude, and reflection, you’ll notice a profound difference in how you show up in your life.
Now, it is time for you to create a spiritual morning routine that’ll get you excited and feeling fulfilled. Feel free to start with my routine if it speaks to you or create your own version with a mix of the ideas I’ve shared.
Before you check out if you’re planning to add morning journaling to your routine, be sure to read my article on morning journal prompts!
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