Hi I'm Divya,
I'm on a mission to empower women to live in sync with their cycle, build a deeply trusting relationship with their bodies, and foster fulfilling connections with each other.
The female body is magical, it has natural rhythms and seasons, just like Mother Nature.
When we ebb & flow according to our unique rhythms - we support our bodies to thrive - and that awesomeness shows up in our lives.
Now, you might be curious, how did I find myself on this path?
My own journey through menstruation, painful cramps, anxiety, PCOS, hormonal birth control, pregnancy and postpartum recovery and healing through cyclical living sparked this fire.
Here's how my story goes...
For as long as I can remember, I dreaded my period. I suffered from painful and irregular periods that disrupted my life.
The pain and other discomforts that accompanied my menstrual cycle became unbearable in my early 20s and that is when my doctor at that time put me on the pill, to manage the symptoms.
I was thrilled, I was happy to be rid of what felt like a monthly nightmare. For the next few years, I had a period every 3-4 months once - using the pill as a tool to completely avoid my cycle for months.
While this was a quick fix at that time, I was avoiding the root cause and unknowingly causing more harm to my body.
It was around the time I graduated and started working. I worked long hours in a full-time job while also running a women's network, hosting workshops on weekends. This led me into cycles of burnout.
During this time, I also struggled with a negative relationship with my body. I overexercised, undereat, and tied my self-worth to my weight and appearance.
One day, I started experiencing insomnia, which persisted for months. I felt it was time for a change, so I decided to come off the pill for a while. This led to weight gain, painful periods, and PMS returning with a vengeance.
Shortly after, I switched to a more natural pill and began to have a regular monthly cycle. Alongside leaving my stressful job, incorporating meditation, and daily journaling, I found my way back to restful sleep.
This experience sparked my curiosity about hormonal health and its impact on my overall well-being.
However, what truly brought me onto this path, was motherhood, and the realisation that I was teaching my daughter how to love her body.

In 2021, I became a mother and in the first few months of motherhood - I felt more disconnected from my body than ever before.
Juggling work and home, with little to no sleep, struggling with breastfeeding, overexercising to loose the pregnancy weight...all of that stress started to show in my body.
I was diagnosed with postpartum depression, PCOS, and cervical radiculopathy barely a year later. That was a turning point in my life, and when I realised that I can no longer treat my body this way.
I embarked on a new journey of self-discovery - to connect with my body and this led me to a profound realization: women are biologically different from men, yet we often follow routines and structures designed for men’s biology.
Many aspects of daily life, like diet, exercise routines, and work structures, are often designed with men's biology in mind. This approach might not always fit the unique needs and natural rhythms of women’s bodies, which can lead to some challenges in maintaining our health and well-being.
This realization drove me to search for a better approach—one that truly works for women.
Over the last few years, I have dedicated my life to this work and have found a way that has not only helped me, but other women, feel their best in their bodies.
"As your coach, I guide you to have a deep understanding of how the female body works, and help you to create your own path to health.
We'll make shifts in your life, where you feel it is necessary. "
Who I am offline...

Here's how we can work together....

Ready to deeply transform how you show up in life to support your dreams? Explore my range of 1:1 coaching programs.

An 8-week group coaching experience that supports you to design a way of life that feels harmonious & nourishing to you.

If you’re looking delve deeper into your self-discovery journey, this interactive workbook has you covered.
Join My Inner Circle 🤎
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