For the woman who is ready to step into a life that
supports her wellbeing and fulfils her.

Her Harmony



Your body and mind influence one another and play an equal and essential part in living a deeply fulfilling life.

Her Harmony is all about designing a way of life that feels harmonious, and is intentional and aligned with your goals and desires, through awareness, mindset, habits and practices that strengthen the mind-body (and soul) connection. 

Studies show that strengthening the mind-body connection benefits all areas of our life.

This holistic wellness program will provide you with practical  tools, support and community that nourishes your health,  optimises your lifestyle and aligns your life to your visions & dreams.

It’s an immersive experience that serves your whole being, honours your individuality, and guides you back to empowered womanhood.

In Her harmony, We Will Focus On:

Your Body

Your body is a sacred vessel that you act through, it is essential in supporting you to reach your goals and live a fulfilled life. We will explore our cyclical nature as women,  our relationship with our bodies, to meet and move through trauma and stress held in the body, ways to care for and honor our bodies and how our body is deeply interconnected to all the key elements listed below. 

Your Intuition

As a woman, intuition is your birthright. Intuition is a deep trust in yourself and a deep knowing of your worth. Your intuition is guided by your mind, heart and gut. We will explore ways to connect with your inner wisdom, to feel and move through your emotions healthily, to understand the way your body is communicating with you, and to strengthen your mind, heart and gut connection. 

Your Mindset

Your mindset is how you view life through your own unique lens –  it has a direct impact on your reality. Our mindsets can be nurtured to support us – our brains are neuroplastic, meaning we can form new neural pathways networks throughout our lifespan. We will explore our belief systems, how to have loving awareness for ourselves and how to fully embody a supportive mindset that allows us to thrive. 

Your Habits

Your habits are a reflection of your current identity. Research has revealed that 40% of our time is spent on behaviors driven by habit – some conscious, some unconscious. By deciding who we want to be, we can start building habits that support us now. We will explore our current habits, challenges around breaking and forming habits, and how to build lasting habits that align with, and support your lifestyle and goals. 

Your Femininity

Everyone has masculine and feminine energy within them that require equilibrium to live a healthy, vibrant life. As women, to live in our feminine energy is to live in our power. We will explore how to balance our feminine & masculine energies, how to invite in and nurture feminine energy in our daily lives, stepping into ease, and confidence in our own unique journeys as women. 

Your Spirit

You are a spiritual being in a material world. We will explore aspects of spirituality throughout the program such working with our energetic body through meditation, breathwork and other tools. 

Your Desires

Your desires are not merely desires, they are an invitation from the universe to live more. We will explore the role of your body, mind and soul in fulfilling your dreams, why you face inner resistance, your relationship to money and abundance, and how to become a magnet to your desires. 

The 8 week journey


Initiation Ritual

Release what no longer serves you, set intentions and initiate your boldest desires & dreams. 


Honoring Our Cycles

Women are cyclical beings. Get to know your menstrual cycle to support your energy levels and optimal wellbeing. 


Restore Balance

Understand the “stress response”, nervous system, the hormones involved and how to resolve stress in the body. 


Nurturing The Feminine

Experience worthy womanhood by honouring your need to ebb& flow, to ground & nourish, to expand & grow.


Intuition +Habits

Both intuition and habits design the life you live. Understand habits and their impact, & gain tools to make real change. 


Self-love + Confidence

Explore practices to support yourself to believe in your limitless potential & embrace your true self. 


Desire + Magnetism

Your dreams exist because they are meant to be lived. Overcome resistance and become a magnet for your desires. 


Honor Ceremony + Circle

Honour and celebrate yourself, your unique experiences as a woman, in a nourishing ceremony and sister circle.


The session I loved most was Week 2 – honoring our menstrual cycles. For the first time, I viewed my cycle as a positive thing in my life. It inspired me to share this wisdom with my other girlfriends. Before the program, I felt very alone on my journey as a woman, but after doing the program, I feel comforted knowing that as women we share similar struggles and fears, and that being a part of a community can make us feel supported, and truly makes a huge difference. After the 8-weeks, this program has had a huge impact on my daily routine, I feel like I am doing so much more for my health. 

– Aby

I wish we grew up learning the things that were taught in this program, I’m starting to view life in a different way that is more supportive of my health and growth. While going through the program, I was having a hard month, and the program really helped me handle myself and life better than I expected to. It made me feel like I had something positive to look forward to, and I enjoyed implementing the tools and practices each week, in a way, joining this program felt like a blessing. 

– Nisha 

I now no longer push myself when I am tired, and I prioritise rest and slowing down, and I find that through living in sync with my cycle, I feel better and more energized. All the sessions are packed with valuable information, I am so glad that I have the recordings to revisit at any point.  One of the key things I noticed after 8-weeks is that I’m a lot kinder to myself and life in general, and my anxiety has improved. Throughout the sessions, I felt like I was able to give myself attention on a deeper, holistic level. 

– Shazia

this GROUP program will support you to...

🌙 understand the bodily changes that you experiences monthly and how to nourish your body, mind and soul to feel empowered in your body 

🌙 create safety, comfort, relaxation and ease in your body and mind as you move through life 

🌙 feel and move through your emotions – support you to make conscious choices in how you respond to life 

🌙 feel connected to yourself and aligned in your body, mind and soul – explore tools, practices and concepts to discover what works best for you

🌙 embrace an expansive, loving mindset and view yourself & your life through a lens of limitless potential

🌙 practice loving awareness and self-compassion towards yourself – supports you to reframe negative beliefs, self-talk and self-doubt 

🌙 balance your masculine + feminine energy and experience a greater sense of fulfilment and harmony

🌙 know your worth – nothing is off limits, your dreams are valid and you are deserving of them

Here's how we'll make magic happen together 🤎

Her Harmony is an 8-week immersive experience with weekly live coaching calls, guest facilitators, and sacred sisterhood. You will be devoting your space, time and energy to creating lasting “harmony” so that you are

🤎 in your best health mentally, physically, spiritually 

🤎  living a balanced, deeply fulfilling and joyous life

🤎attracting and fulfilling your deepest desires 

Mid Year Reset

What's included:

🤎 8 x Weekly 90 Minutes LIVE Group Session 

🤎 Recorded Group Sessions sent to your inbox!

🤎 Yin Yoga Class by Certified Yoga Instructor 

🤎 Expert Guest Speaker on Women’s Health 

🤎 Nutrition Guide For Women’s Wellbeing (Medical Doctor Approved)

🤎 Weekly Journal Prompts & Somatic Exercises 

🤎 Fortnightly Q&A Calls (every Wednesday 7-8 pm SGT) 

🤎 Weekly Rituals & Habits For The Mind, Body & Soul  

🤎 Private Facebook & Whatsapp Group 

🤎 WIN 1:1 Coaching Program Her Wellbeing

Each call has 3 key parts...

🤎 A Grounding Practice (guided visualisations & breathwork practices) 

🤎 Explore Key Topics

🤎 Integration Practices (mindset shifts and rituals to explore throughout the week) 


Each week will be a new & different experience – with different grounding and integrating practices that resonate with the key topic being explored.

We’ll open each call with a practice that has us feeling rooted and safe to receive and alchemise  information into what we uniquely need.

We’ll then explore the week’s topic, followed by an open discussion with the group.

These calls will be provide both, a personalised and collaborative approach. In some weeks, we will break out into small circles to discuss the topic and some weeks the experience is more of a solo journey.

The value of group coaching is that you’re not alone on this journey, we are in this process together.

You’ll find yourself resonating with others, facing the same challenges and WINNING together. It will be a fun, collaborative journey that’ll inspire you to create lasting change on YOUR terms.

make significant shifts to harmonize your body, mind and soul
and witness your life transform in 8-weeks

There have been many instances in my life where I tried to achieve harmony, but it wasn’t until I embraced my true power as a woman – my cyclical and feminine nature – that I experienced it.

In early 2022, I was a new mother and felt persistently fatigued and anxious. I had dreams, but my body & mind COULD NOT keep up with my dreams.

As part of my healing journey, I discovered the divine feminine and cyclical living – combined with the modalities I was familiar with as a mindset coach – I learned how to deeply connect and create alignment with the key dimensions of who I am – body, mind, and soul.

I also began to notice how so many women feel the same  disconnection to their bodies and misalignment I felt.

There is so much pressure today for women to be able to do it all – have a successful career, be a supportive spouse, attentive mother, to keep everyone happy, to be productive – so much so we don’t have the time to care for ourselves and for what brings us joy.

My hope is for this program to support you in creating a strong foundation to feel aligned in your body, mind and soul and for that harmony to reflect in your life – in a fun, magical and holistic way.

By the end of this journey, you may feel more connected to yourself, have loving awareness and trust in yourself, have more space for things that matter to you, and live grateful and fulfilled.

I am so excited for you 🤎

I will be your space holder and activator, however I firmly believe that you are your best healer and guide. So I encourage you to make this journey your own.

What is the investment?

The full 8-Week program is an investment of  $333 SGD (244.32 USD). This turns out to be an investment of $41.63 SGD a week, to improve your overall wellbeing, feel deeply connected with yourself, and to embody a loving mindset & supporting habits that’ll support you in fulfilling your dreams and living your best life.  *Payment can be made in any currency *

When does the program start?

The program starts on the week of 14th of October and ends on the week of 2nd of December of 2024. The weekly calls will tentatively occur at 2.30 PM SGT, (7.30 AM, UK Time) on Saturdays, this may change according to group preference. If you’d like to join, but the day or time does not work for you, please reach out to me.

Can I join this program from anywhere in the world?

Yes, this program is completely online, all calls will be on Zoom. There will also be a Facebook & a Whatsapp group for you to connect with fellow sisters and feel supported on your journey. The weekly recorded sessions, summary of key learnings and tasks will be sent straight to your inbox. 

The Investment


TILL 5TH OCTOBER, usual price $444


$ 333 SGD

*BONUS : 1 X 1:1 Session With Divya*

BONUS : Hormone Harmony Kit Mailed To Your Doorstep

By continuing, you agree to the terms & conditions


By continuing, you agree to the terms & conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

This immersive group programme has: 

  • Foundational LIVE on Facebook to kick off the program 
  • 8 x 90 Minute LIVE Group Calls 
  • 1 x Online Moon Circle
  • Surprise Guest Speaker
  • Grounding in & integration practices during each call
  • Q&A or group discussions during each call
  • Recordings of all calls
  • Weekly journaling exercises, rituals and somatic practices
  • A sense of community – meet and connect with like-minded & hearted women

Yes! All calls will be recorded and emailed to participants. 

You can join from anywhere in the world, if you’re not able to join the LIVE calls, recordings are available and you can connect with the other participants on Facebook. If you’d like to join the calls live, and the timings are not suitable, please let me know. 

Refunds will not be available as we encourage you to purchase with the intention of committing to yourself, engaging fully in the internal and external work, and completing the entire content. 

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